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theGrid Extension Specification

This specification is a well defined set of extensions to the Matrix protocol that facilitate certain communication use cases.

Instant Messaging

This use case is already well defined in the Matrix protocol through the use of the direct messaging flag. In theGrid direct message rooms should only expose functionality directly related to direct messaging and should appear to the user as a direct message chat only.

Feed Posting

In order to present feed posting to users, a Matrix space is created to house the posts, and each room within that space is considered a discrete post. The post content consists of the pinned messages in the room, and all other messages are treated as comments on the post.


Forums (or groups) use a “room of rooms” approach. The Forum is a Matrix space, and then each room in the space is a post in the Forum, identical to a wall post. Sub-spaces could potentially provide sub-forum functionality.

Entity Status

Autonomous entities that connect to the network can communicate their status to one another. An entity could be a person, a device, a vehicle, a building or any other thing that has information to share and has a client connected to it in the form of an embedded device or software if it's already an electronic device capable of running a client. The human owner of these devices is able to view their statuses, share them with others and if actuators exist to update them, thereby mutating the state of the entity. A room is created for/by the entity and each status item is set as RoomState.

Document Stores

A file system like hierarchy of folders based on spaces with documents/files being messages within the rooms. These documents could be notes, images, locations (POI). Documents should be version controlled and editable collaboratively if shared with others.

specification.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 13:17 by abu_rashid